Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bonjour! :D

ehhhhhhhhh.. nth much so this'll be a quickie...

found myself with nothing to do in the evening yesterday so went over to meet ifan, jared and the new nighthawks gang.. man were there alot of new faces.. lol they had the court till 7pm.. and i reached there around 6.20? lol.. couldn't resist so i stole someone's stick and played (with jeans lol) i think it's been close to 3 months that i haven't gone for trainings ah now i just feel more desperate to play lol... the left shoulder's kinda feeling funny again and so's the left ankle... hmm maybe it's cause i never warmed up properly =/ .. ah well..

and then we went for dinner and a catch up session (ifan, jared and nigel)... and and though i wanted like mad to watch transformers, even the 00:40 movie was packed to the brim so we decided to watch Die Hard 4.0 ... it was pretty good actually =D .... die so many movies to watch nowww... so little time.. *sigh*

reached home at 3am lol... was kinda "seh" already really tired.. didn't sleep that much the night before because i had driving friday morning... lol..

i think how tired i was, was most obvious during the mrt ride from dover to kallang.. LooL i shut me eyes and nearly fell onto the floor cause i fell asleep lol.. like my knees nearly gave way and all hahahah.. then this lady beside me was staring at me like worried i'm gonna faint or something hahahhaha....

yay! going to watch Singapore vs Australia later 5pm till late.. at the national stadiummmm...
seats not very comfortable lol.. the old benches kinda hurt ur ass if u sit too long hahhahaha..

ah got so many songs i wanna put up now!
but i'll put this fella up first, cause i'm a sucker for hopeless romantics =P


*michael buble - always on my mind*

Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said & done
I just never took the time

But you were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
If I made you feel second best
Girl, I'm sorry I was blind

You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Tell me, tell me that your
Sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied

Little things I should have said & done
I just never took the time

You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Monday, June 25, 2007

*sings* tomorrow! tomorrow! i'll be there, tomorrow! ....

school starts again tomorrow! tsk!

too fast -.- but then again there's about a month and a half left of school before 2 months holiday! :D

this week:
i must must must must must must! go for friggin floorball training on thursday..
(think i haven't been going since week wat.. 3? lol.. dead dead dead)

and dx! u better thank me for buying the poster... I WANT MY GET RICH OR DIE TRYING DVD! and make it a special ed. loool

this is the poster i'm buying for my sis :P

nice??? :D Shhhhhhhhhhhh! she doesn't know... it'll be a surprise hehe...
$27... ah wat's money when it comes to the ones u hold dear.. *Shrug* :)

and and i remember who has my City of Angels dvd le! (or at least i think so..)
Smiley Lady Jam! do you have it on ya?
sherz was saying we should meet up soon yes yes.. go eat pepp lunch or something (as usual ahaha)

funny how sometimes ppl get inspired out of the blue?
well yesterday i was in deep thought (with a slight tinge of worry *sizzle*) about the upcoming 3rd and final project for me 'camera and lights' module, just before i went to bed...
i fell asleep (as usual hehe =P ) and inspiration came to me from dreamland loool...
i now have a pretty strong idea of what i wanna do hehe.. i'm gonna do a murder scene =D
can see the look of the thing already hurhur... not scared anymore! more excited now more than anything lol...

ah well.. getting late.. i need to shower.. me bro's complaining that i'm stinking o.o" ...

bonne nuit! =)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

voice of an angel..

who knows who's this pretty lady here???! :P
hurhur i just got 11 of her albums and EPs dating back from 1989 all the way till 2003... hehe..
here's a hint she sang the song that's playing in the background right now... and it was the song used in the recent Charlotte's Web movie credits...
still can't guess who she is?
one of her more popular songs was used in one of my favourtie movies "City of Angels" starring Nicholas Cage.. (hmm i think i lent the dvd to someone who hasn't returned it =/ )
yesterday i watched
1) Gremlins
2) Charlotte's Web (new version with Dakota Fanning)
i'm still finding the old cartoon version... hurhur another cartoon from my past.. it's really old.. gonna be tough to find...
today's agenda!
shall go have my delayed lunch cause i was adding all the s____ m_______ songs to my iTunes (which has just grown my 100++ songs) and then i shall watch movies! =D
think i'll watch
1) Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
first haha and then look through my immense library of 'haven't watched movies' (which amounts to about 58 movies? hurhur good luck to me.. =P )
alrighty au-revoir! enjoy the song hurhur...

*S____ M________ - Ordinary Miracle*
it's not that unusual, it's just another ordinary miracle today... :)

Friday, June 22, 2007

all hits, all day..

after a pretty wonderful production (and tiring more so than usual..) i finally have time again to have the 'me' time and chill out...
today's agenda,
wake up at 12pm after 12 hours of wondrous sleep =D (check!)
post something here and clean off the thin layer of dust accumulating (*sweep, sweep.* check!)
eat lunch mama got me and take some meds for the healing sorethroat (that's making my sound like a jazzy blues singer like like Louis Armstrong =P ahahha)
watch the tons of movies i haven't starting with 'Gremlins!' =D damn cute hurhur

hmm something funny that happened during productionn.. hehe..
it was yesterday morning.. the production had already stretched the whole day yesterday.. (started from wednesday @ 2.30pm and finally ended thursday at 10.30am) a 20 hour shoot lol... including the fact that tuesday was our production rehearsal which stretched to wednesday morning like 5am.. and i had driving at 8.35am.. and went home and took a nap for an hour and a half.. and had to rush back down on set to do actual shooting..
and so yes back to yesterday morning (thursday) we were on one of our last 3 shots... and i was already beginning to feel funny all over..
*mao yells* "Ready? ROLL CAMERA!"
* -cam man-* "Rolling!"
*crew waits for "ACtion!"*
*crickets chirp (still no action)*
*clock ticks on and on (still no action)*

i fell asleep during that short span of 5 seconds after i said roll camera -.- hahahhaa.. damn paiseh ahhahahha.. like i woke when everyone was like "melvin! action!"hahahahahaha.. lucky we didn't take sound hurhur..

hehe and we kept turning the set throughout production into like musicals hahahaha..
like singing "phantom of the opera" stuff and the pretty popular *sings* "The hills are alive!! with the sound of musicccccc..." and and "Singin' in the Rain" and and other stuff ahha.. song's from "Anastasia" and "Top Hat" ('heaven, i'm in heaven...") .. to bad we couldn't finish earlier so we coulda played around with our lights and record funny stuff =(
ah well.. all in all.. shoot was great.. the heavy lifting, cut throat, united and not forgetting tiring moments are over =D...

could this be out of line?

au-revoir tous le monde!

*acceptance - so contagious*

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Guess What?! Guess WHAT?! =D

I just ate half a tub of cookies and cream icecream!
*Goes nuts, hyperactive*

Saturday, June 16, 2007


pretty boring day... stayed home except in the morning and at night when i had driving...
this morning's driving was horrible.. i kept stalling got really angry with myself... and it was raining and everything i couldn't see my turning points properly.. tskkk.. but the night lesson was alright... finished all lessons just left the reviews... yay! :D

and a bigger yay! for the highlight of the day which was me mum letting me take the car back home from yio chu kang road after my night lesson HEHE!

oo having slight giddiness now.. prolly cause i haven't really eaten properly today.. lunch was oreos with milk again.. i can't have that for dinner cause it was the last pack in the afternoon... shall see what i can't whip up :P

Thursday, June 14, 2007

bedtime story..

the little boy snuggled into his bed, surrounded by his many fluffy pillows.
he pulls his blanky up to his chest and waits eagerly for his story.

"i've got a new one for you today darling.. let's see.."
'but i liked the old one mummy...'
"but we've read that one a hundred times! i'm sure a little change would do you no harm?"
'oh please mummy, please...', begs the little boy who's sitting upright and looking a little distraught.
"oh alright... god knows i could tell it to you with my eyes closed", sighs his mother, resigned. She prods his nose lovingly and helps him back under his blanky.

and just as soon as she began reading, in her usual magical tone, he drifted off to sleep.. off to places people have only read about... into the wonderous world of his dreams...

"sleep tight, my little angel... i'll see you in the morning", she plants a kiss on his cheek.


best i ever had...


Saturday, June 09, 2007

dryfit t-shirts @ $15!

okie there are the designs..
they're $15 a piece (pretty cheap actually),
it's to help raise funds for one of me friend's soccer team so help out!!
leave sms me or tag my blog if any of you want luhhh
haha gina! seeeeeeeeeeeeee! seeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :P

I tell myself..

last night was horrible...
i mean the whole day yesterday was alright enough.. pretty fun and all that
but i came home and maybe it was because i was dead tired
but just felt.. wrong... no idea what was the problem.. :(
i didn't do my audio reflection until today (hur that'll make me late by a day.. 10% off a 5% assignment? ah lionel can have that 0.5% of my grade lah take take take!)
ah really off...
even when dx asked me to play fifa i didn't feel like it... o.O
what the heck is wrong!

hmm lately, i've been kinda paying closer attention to (what may seem nonsensical to most but i'm me and u know.. what the heck) my dreams...
it started from the other day i was watching this animated movie called "Waking Life" on tv...
it's about a guy who can't wake up from a dream, because everytime he wakes up, he's in another dream.. one long neverending dream..
and there was mention on controlling ones' dream, by first realising that one is dreaming.. and therefore anything is possible.. doesn't that sound like a typical dream?
well not exactly, they're talking about you, the dreamer, having control of your actions.. being fully aware of what you are doing and almost like writing your own story as how you'd want it to be.
but first, you need to be aware you're dreaming don't you?
how do you know you're dreaming? has anyone ever acknowledged that you are dreaming while you're still dreaming? like you clearly tell yourself you are dreaming while in the dream? (sounds confusing haha but it really isn't...)
cause some dreams seem so real you think you're living it...
that when you wake up you take awhile to realise it was all a dream...
that everything you'd just seen and 'thought' u'd done is just in your head..
and that's where it starts.. in your head.. your mind alone cannot differentiate the difference between dream and real-life... (sounds so matrix... but i think it's true.. only that if you die in your dream, your body won't follow... it's just where you wake up.. from that parallel dimension)

okay i sound psychotic now...
the night before, i told myself i'd try to control my dream..
it kinda got outta control haha..
i mean i dreamt of (well most of you already know... so i won't bother hiding)
i dreamt my idiot of a dad died and everything became sorta a fairytale cause the evil fella died *stabs dad*
hahaha... yah okay sadistic whatever... like everything was all happy and shit.. and then there was this subconscious voice thingum telling myself.. this can't be possible.. he's still alive.. and i spoilt the whole mood of the dream.. the entire idea of the dream.. which was to do impossible things.. hahaha.. damn spoiler... and i woke up with a killer surreal feeling and for the first 30 secs i actually tried to believe the bastard had died.. but the idea faded out of my mind..
how sad =/ (hahhaa.. evil)

i sorta gave way to the dream i had last night..
didn't bother trying to control.. it was already perfect on it's own.. i wouldn't have it any other way.. i mean aren't true dreams 'a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep'?

oh and i shaked an archbishop's hand yesterday haha.. and qammie and xq are laughing at how bemused i was at that moment haha..
his hand was damn soft and smooth hahaha.. seriously! like he uses moisturizer and softener or something... it was smoother than a baby's bottom hahahhaa... no kidding..
no offence to anyone though.. just saying the guy's got really smooth hands.. and me being me, easily amused by this kinda stuff hahah.. so yah it's me not him.. hurhur..

alrighty another killer song coming your way.. kinda how i feel now too..

*Acceptance - Different*

Tell myself on the ride home.
Getting tired, hating all I've known.
Holding on like it's all I have.
Count me out when it's clear that I
find it hard to say.
And you find it hard to care.

I wanted to see something that's different,
something you said would change in me.
Wanted to be anything different,
everything you would change in me.

Got this way, up front but never true.
God, I'm wrong, it's just the way I am.
Crashing down any chance you'll hear.
Caving in any chance that you,
could see inside of me.
And I, I'll know what to say,
It's fine, this isn't Hollywood.
So fine, getting in your way.

I wanted to see something that's different,
something you said would change in me.
Wanted to be anything different,
everything you would change in me.

I'm taking a chance,
this could be different.
This could be all I'm waiting for.
Taking a chance,
this could be different.
This could be all I'm waiting for.

I wanted to see something that's different,
something you said would change in me.
Wanted to be anything different,
everything you would change in me.


it started like this the last time,
it passed this way the last time,
when do you know when to just give up?


another test,
more things i want to know,
more waiting.
another test.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


... and sacrifices must be made...
No, not a sacrifice.. not a sacrifice,
it's a Cure,
the Cure?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

the short moments i forget my conscience...

*damien rice - 9 crimes*

Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be thinking of you
It's the wrong time
For somebody new
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse

Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it
how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright
Is that alright with you?

Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be cheating on you
It's the wrong time
but she's pulling me through
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse

Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it
how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright
Is that alright with you?

Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?


pull me away,
i've really nothing else to say,
pull me away,
before you feel this dismay..
"it's a small crime,
and i've got no excuse..."

l'ange de bleu

the childhood memories waiting to be remembered...

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true


hee going to watch pinocchio now..
ahhh.. the wonderful world of walt disney indeed... =)

and yet this sense of sadness that comes with it...
