Friday, June 22, 2007

all hits, all day..

after a pretty wonderful production (and tiring more so than usual..) i finally have time again to have the 'me' time and chill out...
today's agenda,
wake up at 12pm after 12 hours of wondrous sleep =D (check!)
post something here and clean off the thin layer of dust accumulating (*sweep, sweep.* check!)
eat lunch mama got me and take some meds for the healing sorethroat (that's making my sound like a jazzy blues singer like like Louis Armstrong =P ahahha)
watch the tons of movies i haven't starting with 'Gremlins!' =D damn cute hurhur

hmm something funny that happened during productionn.. hehe..
it was yesterday morning.. the production had already stretched the whole day yesterday.. (started from wednesday @ 2.30pm and finally ended thursday at 10.30am) a 20 hour shoot lol... including the fact that tuesday was our production rehearsal which stretched to wednesday morning like 5am.. and i had driving at 8.35am.. and went home and took a nap for an hour and a half.. and had to rush back down on set to do actual shooting..
and so yes back to yesterday morning (thursday) we were on one of our last 3 shots... and i was already beginning to feel funny all over..
*mao yells* "Ready? ROLL CAMERA!"
* -cam man-* "Rolling!"
*crew waits for "ACtion!"*
*crickets chirp (still no action)*
*clock ticks on and on (still no action)*

i fell asleep during that short span of 5 seconds after i said roll camera -.- hahahhaa.. damn paiseh ahhahahha.. like i woke when everyone was like "melvin! action!"hahahahahaha.. lucky we didn't take sound hurhur..

hehe and we kept turning the set throughout production into like musicals hahahaha..
like singing "phantom of the opera" stuff and the pretty popular *sings* "The hills are alive!! with the sound of musicccccc..." and and "Singin' in the Rain" and and other stuff ahha.. song's from "Anastasia" and "Top Hat" ('heaven, i'm in heaven...") .. to bad we couldn't finish earlier so we coulda played around with our lights and record funny stuff =(
ah well.. all in all.. shoot was great.. the heavy lifting, cut throat, united and not forgetting tiring moments are over =D...

could this be out of line?

au-revoir tous le monde!

*acceptance - so contagious*