Saturday, March 10, 2007

jumble, rumble, tumble...

the days you feel like shit..
the days you feel like shit and wanna be someone else...
the days you wanna be someone else bcoz of the many nonsensical and stupid things you've done...
the days you wanna be someone else bcoz you wanna start from scratch coz life's not perfect, and it 'could have, should have, would have' been...
face down in the dirt too afraid to look up and see everything in slow-mo'ed in black and white.. is anybody gonna help you to your feet?
maybe if you were someone else...

bonehead choices, tough decisions, and a whole lot of running away..

i've finally started writing my first song :D...
it's still kinda furry round the edges.. loads more work to do.. kinda hard to find the right words oui oui..
hopefully it'll come out nice and people will like it.. :P

on a slightly depressing note,
i fell today and guess where? yep on my left shoulder..
looks like this season's over for me.. :( ..
damn dumb.. *smmmmack*

i've been having cravings for good food lately :P haha..
don't know.. not been feeling so blur lately either.. (dohhhh)
*Craving for salmon*

sunburn's been getting better.. think i'm a couple of shades darker now lol..
(As if i wasn't tanned enough..)

miss my old phone which i have yet to bring to repair..
it's still smashed up and everything.. =/ ..

how does "a waiting dog die" leh?
je ne sais pas... *shrug*
lonesome and left out in the rain...

heeeee... i wanna eat churros! :D