Saturday, March 03, 2007

*snoreeeeeee* men si ren le!

finally got the red box outta my fridge.. u guys wanna see what's inside?
(i have pictures.. =D)
*Please bear in mind that i was and am still really bored thus my free time for all the lovely bullshit you're about to witness (if i do say so myself haha) SFOY!*

nice? =D haha.. but pretty boring.. just a plain lit candle on a "Crappy/Sappy" brownie as labelled by the icing (hurhur)

then the stupid box CAUGHT FIRE!!! *runs around in panic*
kinda looks like an alligator head (not my initial intention but i'll take the credit all the same hurhur.. =P )
can see? it's looking towards the left of the screen.. kinda ugly.. (Wye u care?!)

i've no idea what i was doing here.. jsut felt like twirling the camera around abit to see what i'd get...

My favourite picture with my initial (M) =D nice nice??
hurhur.. *loves*
J'adore ca... =D
(mel) the reason why lam calls me the director's god-son hahhahaha.. You fool know!
yah yah the L behind looks like an 'E' also ... (WYE U CARE! x2)

i call this one "GhostRider and his fiery chain"

Starry, starry night....
"Shot through the heart! And you're to blame!
You give love, a bad name!"
was going for an arrow through a heart... oui oui..


monsieur french snowman *salutes*
Au-revoir tout le monde! =D