Friday, December 29, 2006

the stacks around my desk

got loads of things to do in the next 6 months...

-script for 3rd and final short film project this semester (1st draft due 1st week of january)
-script for independent short film (the one with the phoneboothto be filmed with killer crew during 2 month break in march
-new story ideas to conceptualize ~"Tragic Belief"

-floorball league starting in 2 weeks time...
(played like shit yesterday.. confidence is low... keep getting played in positions i'm not good at.. like defence and centre... tsk put me infront that's where i play my best...)
-floorball friendly against temasek poly tomorrow at noon... (*dies)
-floorball trainings on 2nd and 3rd january (can't attend the 2nd jan one... must study...)

-social psychology 20% test to study for.. in 1st week of january.. (omg....)
-written communication essay due next week (my topic's insomnia... gonna go national library later and hopefully get the stupid formal outline done... and do my essay say sunday?)
-social psychology 2nd journal about "How i feel about being (gender)?" due 2nd week of jan =(
-Computer Graphics trailer to shoot over the coming 6 weeks.. (omg..)
-final film proj to shoot and hand up in 5 weeks time (after script is done)
-written test for location production (25%?!!?!)
-loads of audio prcatical tests (and worse... written tests... *faints*)

the list goes on... dun wanna add on... my head already feels dizzy at the sheer amount of work that is piling up around my work desk...
omg yes... there's still french to attend on thursdays... still trainings to attend... matches to be played... where's the pause button when you need one?!

can't wait for the 2 month break starting around mid february... get year 1 of poly over and done with... shoot, edit and send the independent film proj. (affectionately known as nvp4) for film competitions... i can't wait!!!

so many things to do... if i've time i'll check and see if i can take driving lessons... if not i'll take motorcycle lessons... better than nothing.. i'm sick of public transport... and maybe follow tw to malaysia after his bday (in august) to go take driving lessons there.. dunoo see how...
seeee there's still so many things i wanna learn... in 2006 i've been learning loads of new stuff on my own tooo.. like all the coaching courses the referee courses... french...
(don't know why i love upgrading myself... love learning new things... but too the point where i'm tiring myself out too much... i need a long break!!)
the 2 weeks holiday hasn't felt like a holiday at all.. it's been more like free study time.. (which is okay... cause i can wake up late.... hur hur hur...)

hmmm... planning something on new year's... it'll help me start the new year fresh... gotta let it out... yahh... 2006 will go down as a year of new things (both good and bad), of freedom, of Xtreme emoness (=/) and hmmm i dunno.. film?

he tries to fulfil his beliefs...
tries to turn them into reality...
blinded by his stupid determination...
he's driven himself straight into the fire....
into a place where hearts of gold melt...
where even the toughest souls would melt...
gutted by the glaring truth...
those beliefs.. were but tragic beliefs...