Monday, September 18, 2006


i can see it in your eyes...

coaching test was super over-rated haha... (over-rated by myself of course)... fear for the worst and u shall not be surprised... (errr in a bad way that is...)

maybe i can read minds...

sgNewWave seems interesting enough... not a whole lotta people went for the meeting thing... though my friend and i were erm... fashionably late? (15minutes isnt that much what.. haha but they were kind enough to restart the slide show for us haha... kind people... or maybe it's cause my friend was (in their eyes) hunky? i'll never knowwww... haha.. -someone grab mr.erez before he floats off to the high heavens- hahaha....

like mel gibson in one of his funky movies... (haha...)

-random....- (so kill me...if u dont like it.. =P)
there was this chinese guy on the mrt standing beside me... he came on the train at i think little india station.. and he smelled really bad of sesame seeds... and i cant take the smell if its over-overwhelming haha... would have puked all over had it not be for the timely departure of a kind(though she didn't know) lady.. the man took her seat.... and i breathed the fresh air again...
(am i super drama or what? haha...) maybe the guy nearly drowned in a huge tub of sesame seeds... haha... wont anyone add honey? he'll come out looking like one of those snacks with sesame seeds stuck on him.. hahaha... (imagine the possibilites....)

tell me everything you need anything at all...

haha.. drama reminds me... was talking to my aunt (who's living in texas) on msn the other night... and she mentioned once when my family and i went to visit her in hongkong (she used to live there)... her ex-husband brought her daughter and me for ice-creamsss (haha weee :D) .. and the ice-cream on a stick dripped all over my shirt (which was probably white) and it jsut happened that it was a red ice-cream and i went...
*does a double take*
"OH MY! BlooooooOOOOOOOoooooooD!!!!!
*freaks out and does weird (but energetic) i'm dying dance...*
haha.. and the guy has never forgotten me and how erm... lovably? drama i was haha... man i love dumb things i doooo ... haha... and i dont remember it ever happening... just one of those things...

just one of those things i could hang on my wall...
somethings i wish i could...

im beginning to talk in mini-riddles again haha...
*does a hammy when he says "But I'd Like A Cookie...."
"But i like talking in riddles..."
haha... oh my... work tomorrow... not expecting the world to change overnight...

but they dooooo... all the time... won't you change it for me?

ok ... im shutting up...
*zips and throws away the ziphead*

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh