Monday, June 26, 2006

The Red Violin

watched a amazing film in school today... i was so captivated by it that even though i had only slept 2 hours (4am to 6am) that i was able to stay awake for the whole thing! and probably absorb just as much as usual...
its a interesting, touching and inspiring(not in that way la! =P ) film... mmmm...

i went to the jersey place after lessons to check out our home jerseys and pass the guy our white logos for the away ones....

i know it looks brown in the pic thats cause ive got a lousy camera phone =\ but hey u cant have everything... its actually kinda bright orange like the old one mmmm...

i was "jumping" in and out of la la land on the taxi ride home (too tired couldnt imagine myself taking a bus =P ) ... dreaming about something im not gonna share just yet( this story is not ready for a press release)... mmmm but i can tell u 1 thing.... it was a sweeet dream .... (king dont think bout the wrong things...)

hmmm already 10.40pm but i still dont feel like going to bed....

pretty boring post... but if my life was exciting everyday i think i would have lived to my limits once i hit 20 mmmm