Wednesday, February 21, 2007

there and back again..

hey everyone..
kinda hit a downward spiral point in my life past couple of weeks..
and to prevent myself from posting more emo shite up here i locked my blog..
but it's been getting better.. (life that is..)

Downward Spiral...
he watched while waiting for his ride,
he watched the leaves fall from a tree, in a row of tress...
"golden brown snow" he thought to himself...
as the leaves on the tree fell as if it were autumn...
while the other trees arounded still brandished their lush, greenery...
"it's dying, why is it dying"

"why's no one up here... empty seats.."
slouching in his seat he watches things flash past him...
they past, to fast, with no second chance to take note off...
everything's blurring up.. too quick.. it'll add up with everything else that's gone behind...
gone into the back of his mind...
a white feather floats in mid-air right outside his enclosure...
it's stunning weightless beauty entrances him...
it never seems to fall...
never seems to fall to the hard ground below..
'reachhhh...' he heard...
"i can't... i can't reach you...."
'then i'll go like everything else... far behind.. u won't remember i was even here...'
'too late.. u've missed me'
at his destination...
cheerful... a little too cheerful perhaps...
but nonetheless he enters.. unsure and cautious having been away for a long time...
he greets the familiar faces..
and receives stares from the unfamiliar ones...
some smile, some just stare blankly at his appearance in curiousity...
'who is this who wonders in so freely without question?' they must have thought...
up those familiar stairs... onto the 2nd flight looking straight into a mirror at himself..
dull grey... lifeless...
and through doors he knows too well..
wary of the door directly opposite, down the corridor...
his friends of old.. too long has it been since he last saw them all...
ah the memories, all just pages in a book.. piled under pages..
ones with fresh, wet ink...
sharing a pot of warm dinner, chatting about everything and anything...
and then a familiar face... he doesn't even have to look up completely..
he can see her from the corner in his eye..
a past he doesn't want to remember... forced upon him...
everything's coming back to him now...
the past and present.. and the unsure future...
surrounding him.. trapping him in a dark cloud he can't get out off...
dreams and nightmares.. flashes of all that was...
he feels the bitter, golden-yellow liquid's rough texture flow down his throat
as he tries to drown his pain...
"Go away! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
no he still sees those visions.. a splinter in his head..
causing pains in his chest which have now spread over to the right...
"anything! i'll do anything! JUST GO! Pleaseeeeee... "
'they won't go that easily.. ' a wispy voice says..
'no... u've gotta do more than yell and complain my boy..'
"and u? u can help me?"
'oh i can try... i'll comfort you... from within..' the grey smokish ghost says while circling him...
'i will bring you to places you've never seen.. far away from everything else... all u have to do is extend your hand.. and ask..'
"okayy... take me away... take me away from this place..." he reaches out his hand.. ready to receive his freedom...
'hahahahahaha... as u wish..' a rush of grey.. driving straight through into his lungs and heart... encapsulating him in a cell..
'now u're mine... i'll look after you don't worry' the ghost says as a sinister smile spreads from cheek to cheek...
'have you forgotten this place? you've been here before.. hahahahaha'
(a cell phone rings-
"Can i kill you?! Stop it! No more! No More! You've disappointed us! Go Away!")
cold water drenches him.. waking him from his unconscious state...
"No! Where am i? NO! let me out! LET ME OUT!"
the ghost, sitting outside the cell, smoking a cigarette laughs hysterically at him...
"Hello bro? I need to talk...."
a rope drops from above.. looking up he can almost make out a dot of light..
one spot.. of hope.......
thank you
chiam, xiuqi and calvin... =)

*Now Playing 'Mobile - See Right Through Me'*