Monday, October 23, 2006

school again

tired mmhmmmm... long day today... finish at 5 but i've still got a group meeting for my 'Written Communication" assignment that'll approximately take me an hour or 2... which means i'll only be home at 8 earliest... (hates hates hates mondays..)

come random stuff, this gal in school said ,
"Hi Melvin!"
*turns around to look who it was*
*(do i know youuuu??? hmmmmmmm) thinks thinks thinks*
"What happened to your face?"
"Oh floorball accident..."

i really couldn't remember who she is... but she looks really familiar... hmmm.. dunno...
i'm really stressed out and guilty that i don't remember people who remember me...
(what a ignorant fool right?)
this week's gonna be a little busy but fun none the less...
the U-19 national team try outs are this friday! O.O
someone help me... *trembles at the sheer thought of failure just like 2 years before...*
scared mmhmm... very...

the cut on the face has now become more visible thanks to the scalp (is this how it's spelt?) that has now formed from the dried blood... it's very irritating and uncomfortable.. plus people on the mrt this morning obvioulsy associate having cuts and bruises on the face with being beaten up...
sad truth... but it's interesting how people ask what happened and all..
(Nigel is saying Hi to all readers... ) poor guy is full of nonsense...
and he's trying to type something secret onto here.. but i won't allows it! haha.. =P
see lar all his fault i cant remember what i wanted to say...
(and pea s staring as well. Hellooo my dear friends, says pea. )

yes... it's nice to know people care ( or at least i think they do.. or maybe it's just so rare to see facial injuries that people have to ask thanks to busybody in them.... or maybe it's because it's so obvious 0.0!) dunno.. at least the guy with the chipped tooth can hide his battle scar until he smiles... i couldn't hide this unless i had really long long hair... (just another battle scar into my collection of skin-deep memories)

i've got Computer Graphics lesson in another 10 minutes... so i've to wrap it up.... at least it's a holiday tomorrow.. no school.. yah yah. kk ..gtg...