Saturday, July 15, 2006

heeeeeeeeeeee... more reasons to be happy heeeeeeeee... =D

"Change of date for Singapore Idol (Melvin, Smile!)"
haha... this was the title of a email my Studio lecturer sent to my classmates and i...
y does she say Melvin, Smile? haha

mmm she was telling us after wednesday's interview show rehearsal that she managed to get the director or producer (nt sure which guy).... of Singapore Idol to allow us to look around when they are having the rehearsal for the live show....the date first set was thursday mmmm and it would drag on to about 8.30pm... (unless i stay for the live show as well then it will end around 10 i think)
like so sad... im the only one who put up my hand saying i cant on thursday... french lessons is very expensive u know!!! ... and its very fun tooo mmm... its one of the things i look forward to every week.... and just when i was going to surrender all hope and just miss the french lesson, i found a email with that title saying that the Producer/Director of Singapore Idol says we can only go on wednesday evening...
so im like YES!!!! Hooooooooooooooo!
Not only do i get to go behind the scenes at the Singapore Idol set! (which is a once in a lifetime opportunity unless u r like some big shot at mediacorp)
I also get to go for french class! =D
and maybe go for pepperlunch before french class with tw, jam, mj and the 2 hwa chong jc teachers(im sorry i forgot ur names!!! =X ) in our class....
this week doesnt seem so bad after all! =D