Tuesday, July 25, 2006

the post that never made it...

was gonna post a pretty long-winded post yesterday against my better judgement...it was obvious i needed someone or something to stop me... and god answered "LET BLOGGER CRASH!"*deep commanding voice* and it did... and the post never made it onto my blog...
never got to be saved and never got to be retyped... (haha)

and so here i am and possibly im gonna type it out now *Thunder in the distance* hmmmm ok maybe a summary *Thunder getting closer*... ok a short summary? *Loud Thunder right outside my classroom* ahhh fine i'll forget about it... haha...

recordingshowwas amazingcauseithinkourshowrockedand
*angry rumbling outside*

i've a feeling the next time i step out under the sky im gonna get struck by
lightning haha...
*runs awaY*

lesson just finished.. yay! no more lesson! weeee! gonna go home soon but ive gotta
meet some guy to get some video that needs to be editied by tomorrow...

still wondering.......
*rumble RUMBLE rumble*