Wednesday, July 26, 2006

freaky day...


my classmates and me at SingaporeIdol last wednesday... (we got bored...)
we waited for like almost an hour just to have a 3 minute walk-through... aiyai yai...
From Top left to right and middle left to right and bottom left to right (Pic 2)

Mahen(Mr.ArtyFarty cant draw with a pencil but he can do amazing things with a crayon) , Eugene(ComputerGeekgames and more games.), Roger (bt everyone calls him Rojaaaay cause our french-canadian intro to film teacher has this funny way of pronouncing names haha) and Stefan(the once self-proclaimed emo kid now erm... the AssistantDirector for Demo Show gd luck!)

Qamariah (the hardworking accountant haha... and the caring mother in our class.. she happens to be the oldest among us...), YeeLee a.k.a. Ah Lian (the one who kept insisting she isnt ah lian but finally gave up haha... and a hermit crab lover... inseperable from Qamariah coz they both love being playful...), DeXian (one of Les Garcons de Riviere's 3... hardcore rock fan listening to music from Black Sabbath to Kiss and Judas Priest... YES U ARE HARDCORE! weee!), Maosi (wait one of les garcon is missing! look at Pic1.. he's on DeXian's right... and he is Erez jazzy person... plays the guitar... plays floorball with me in Nighthawks... very enthu and can get emo over gals..but hey we are all human... LES GARCONS ROCKS!),
Mathu (affectionately known as MATHUJITA! [say it really fast]... the amazing photographer without a handphone... GET A PHONE MATHUJITA!), Suzie (the angmoh who loves thinking horny thoughts and isnt afraid to teach qamariah and stefan what she's thinking off in Bio erm.. Studio class... haha), Nigel aka THE KING! (the guy who cant take jokes or he'll laugh so hard he'll cry.... hahahaha.... and his queen is PeiZhen (the one with the $10,000 violin that erez loves and the mad husky that erez doesnt love... hahahhahaha)

yep and thats my crazy class for y'all...

today's a freaky day... the big boss upstair decide to take actions to protect my knee from me haha... i was gonna go to training @ st.gabs... (though my knee isnt completely healed hey but its getting better! i can bend it all the way now mmm... virtually no pain until u press the injured area...) and so there i was... at the bus stop waiting for 72... and god said... "LET THE HALL BE USED FOR THE 'N' LEVELS" and it was.... and training was cancled so i just walked back into my hz and played guitar for an hour and then went to sleep till 8pm... and when i woke up i had the weirdest sensation... like something was wrong...

i came on msn.. and im like HEY!? where are all my classmates?! are we suppose to meet for anything today? *thinks thinks thinks* (and dx told me im insecure haha... i dont disagree... I FORGOT TO RETURN THE LIGHTMETER AGAIN!!!) haha... the people at the film cage are gonna be ready for me when i go in tomorrow... (with a parang... *GulPs*)

kk... time to remind what i need to do.....
-Bring Camera for dx..
-Bring harrypotter dvds and city of angels for the princess
-Bring french stuff
-Buy a new pencil case and stuff coz i lost the old one...
-Write my Final Essay for tomorrow

and something else i dont remember!! i remember i must meet someone tomorrow at noon... but I DONT REMEMBER WHO AND WHAT FOR!!! erm erm erm.... i really dunno.. see if the person calls me tomorrow or not... and then i'll be able to scold myself for being so forgetful.. i think i need a permanent marker and start writing notes on my hands... haha...

okie dokie gonna start doing my final essay for tomorrow...
French French! Sfe sFe sfE!