Saturday, September 29, 2007

peeka boo!

i just realised there's a whole section missing in my previous post.. about the headless dolphin... and i'm so certain i typed it in yesterday.. O.O
freaky... eeeeeeeeeee

anyway i dun wanna say lol.. maybe another time..

i'm having the weirdest evening ever lol.. but nt gonna talk about it... *nod*
(then why bother mentioning?)


did seriously almost 11 hours of work today.. like i finally finished like typing a really stressful set of interviews.. my god >.<>.<>.< my my my... i'm wanting to get a hair cut.. and icy blue contact lenses.. lol.. and qammie knows too well the reasoning behind it ahahha.. =P k.. this next piece is a random piece of (hopefully you can call it) creativity. (in my own way which might be bullshit in your opinions)

he was filled up
by the music he was hearing,
and lost pretty much deep in thought.
but as he looked for a new staring spot where his eyes could be safely open,
while his mind was allowed to wander.
but as his eyes searched, he soon found himself looking across the platform.
into the doors of the open train going in the opposite direction from his.
and he stared into her eyes, as she stared into his.
it didn't matter, they didn't bother to look away even though in any other situation,
it would have been a throughly awkward moment.
they were leaning by the same place.. and in the same posture..
it was this symmetry that connected their thoughts almost telepathically to one anothers.
and both minds were on the same idea...
though he knew not her name,
and she knew not his...
both thier minds felt the same way..
both felt so lonely,
and so detached
even though they were caught in the hustle and bustle
of every thing else and every one else.
they're gaze didn't break even though the doors of their respective trains shut themselves,
and he only realised the beauty of that moment,
until after they went their separate ways..
and would never see each other again.

ca va? >.< je ne sais pas.. hopefully..

lol damn random.. oh nuit...