Sunday, September 23, 2007

hahhaha.. Thai Boxing, Productions, IFW, Chinese

okay okay okay.. so i'm here again to reaffirm my love for my work place hahah and though it's gonna be a long time before I can talk about what i've been working on (loool so top secret *glances left and right nervously*) ..
i really like the whole environment, and chiam's and my producer just makes everything more fun hahaha and light-hearted.. and like we feel the urge to automatically put in our hearts and souls into our work (which is quite tedious..) take it as a ratio.. our productivity on a good day? which would be maybe from 10am right up to 6pm? or like let's just put it as an 8 hour work day.. for every 8 hours, we're covering one quota of our work.. which IS DAMN TEDIOUS ahhahah like bloody u need 8 secs for every 1 sec kinda thing.. and 80 hours for every successful 10 hours.. >.<>.< .. i dun wanna be made an example of "What not to do" or like the guinea pig in the writing of a book titled "A Hundred and One Things NOT To Do When Being A Sound Recordist" or "The Dummies Guide To Sound Recording" or "A Thousand Embarrassing Sound Recording Moments" loooool... NOOOOO! i dun wanna be black marked

kk wat else did i wanna talk about... hmmm life's been good, thanks to work.. nice people and all.. my punctuation and grammar is improving slightly thanks to work.. my typing skills too, and my deciphering of foreign accents people talk in.. lol.. YAY! all from work hurhur.. hmmmmmmmmmmm i can't be that no life.. lol.. oh yah.. i might take French again on fridays hurhur.. since it's a free day.. or i could just chill.. *lazeee sprawl across floor*

ahh well.. i'm really running outta things to say.. hmmmmmm i am that much of a no life hehe
*sings macdonalds tune* Badabadada, I'm Loving it! meoowwww!

sometimes you don't need to know things that you understand...
or even better, you don't need to bother... because people are right...

maybe you saw a vision from somewhere i'm too weak to seek...
