Friday, February 02, 2007

the lingering worry in his heart...

Sitting alone with the night breeze in his hair,
he stares into the sky tinged with the orange clouds.
"it's over" he thinks to himself in relief...
it couldn't be anything too serious after all, he hadn't felt anything for 2 days now...
but just when things started to look bright and hopefully...
just when the night looked young and vibrant and he was full of energy,
it came...
it's sucking him dry...
he's walking away.. hiding from others...
they don't need to know...

ironically.. he was thinking about god just before this..
in his random moment in the night breeze...
of how one should try never really to pray for what one wants..
but for others.. who need it more than you..
and as the breeze and orange clouds disappeared,
he's back at where he was...
why was he put into these 2 shoes?
why was he made to feel such things as sorrow and worry?
and happiness always seemed a prod away from falling off and shattering..

the mistakes he's made are to great to count..
and he's been trying to change..
he has changed and still is..

but just a simple case of too little too late maybe?
just a lone figure in the dark they can't see...
a soul powerless to control it's fate..

very sad now.. cause i just told my club mates i won't be able to play floorball fo awhile...
it's the hopeless feeling again...
coming back to haunt me...

it's the same reason he found himself ready to step off the edge..
leave everything behind...
and hopefully.. yes hopefully a fresh start after...