Saturday, August 25, 2007

hur okay random post coming :P

so i spent another day home again.. though it seems it's getting less and less boring... suddenly there's more to do around the place then i figured.. but still i'd prefer going out for a good pizza or something hurhur..

anyways liverpool won :D muaha! take that sunderland! hurhurhur.. 0-2 to the good... weeeee!

finally an idea...

not too bad after..

skies not that cloudy after all...

hey there delilah...

(did i say random?)

hur some funky pictures i found during the odd bored moments...

Maybe the plastic tub said something funny hurr

talk about living in a pig sty hurhurhur...

doesn't this just have "awwwwwwwwWWWWwwwwwwwwwww!" written all over it?


hurrr safe to say they don't speak hokkien hehehe...

hahahha and i saved the best for last of course... :D

cheers ppl! :)