Sunday, August 19, 2007


there's really good in this world after all...

so in the midst of all the things (my things haha) falling apart, like my monitor which decided to pass on, and my handphone which is being as sucky as ever, my wallet and bag need changing, i'm running outta shirts to be worn without considering myself boring, my steaming hot white jacket still looks like a world away, so does my guitar, i still can't run, and being shot by a fat fart who thinks he knows alot about bruce willis at the 4th SG short cuts ysterday when i asked a question (i'm sure he's got his reasons, he probably is bruce willis's neighbour *snigger*)... hmm and some other things i dun remember... ah yes a couple of socks that have holes in em that my toes protrude out of hurhur... it's good to listen to "feel-good" music hahaha enjoy! :D
