Tuesday, August 14, 2007


there's this thingum inside that puts me through all sorts of jingums...
sometimes they're sad, other times they're not so sad or happy..
it's the same thingum that prevents me from falling into depression, when times are hard...
the thingum that i just can't find once i've already fallen.. the thingum that i'll always receive with open arms...
it just happens that sometimes this thingum gives other not so easily receivable jingums.. like when it becomes the catalyst in a downard spiral whenever something i don't like happens.. it adds weights onto those cheeks causing a really dreadful frown =( ... the frown soon turns to something more violent.. of anger and hatred, of envy/jealousy.. it's here when thingum makes the world a horrible place to live in... because no one can be trusted, no one can understand or comprehend, no one is gonna be good enough to be 'here' or 'there'... this is when this whole mess becomes a Solo effort to get through.. it's when a little voice somewhere goes, 'i won't if they won't, i won't if he doesn't, i won't if she doesn't, i basically won't do anything unless....' ...
there was once thingum managed to get me so far down the spiral staircase... i couldn't see a way up.. there wasn't even an idea, or want, to climb up... a want to even think about climbing back up.. it's when thingum passed me a white piece of cloth and a stick.. a symbol of all sorts.. a very discouraging one... i did take it... and i continued down the to the black abyss that seemed had no end... it was cold and dark.. it was a lonely place.. because everyday u just seemed to stand out even in the warmth of the sun.. but u can't feel it.. u gather with friends or loved ones but u can't feel it.. u stand in the rain and feel nothing... the nothingness eats into you, it burns every part of your soul until you're so full of it, it seems there's no escape.. and neverending is the pain in your chest.. a pain that comes and goes.. one that tells u u're alive though u'd much rather be dead...
it's hard to see an end to it but there is one.. it's when you realise that there's nothing to fear... and u feel a sudden leap of life, of confidence... that u return thingum it's cloth and stick, say au-revoir and bon chance before hopping off the side of the steps with a smile on your face.. closing your eyes to for the first time feel the wind on your cheeks... and when u open your eyes again, u're in the sun, u hear words from your mouth that are just words alone but when put with a melody mean so much more... it's when thingum gives u a pat on the back and u feel for what it's worth, the warmth of love....