Tuesday, August 29, 2006

this french fool's looking up...

today... without a doubt has been one of my more interesting days for many months now.. i went from guy locked in a boring life... to guy with a not-so boring life... (ive not reached a "happening" life yet haha...)

i thought up a guitar intro to what may be the first song ive ever written... haha... theres still loads of room for improvement.. im playing around with the strings and stuff... trying to make the sound more... hmmm "distinctive" haha... legin thinks it sounds "hoobastanky" and i think thats good cause im aiming at that kinda music :D...but thats only the intro.. the harder part will be thinking up the lyrics and body of the song... (but i cant wait to get started...) with erez's help.. ill have it done in no time.. (though the clock is ticking... -idontthinkitsthebombanymore...thetimebombwasadudintheend...- oh well.. i think too much...

and mr.wee from Skools Floorball called me up saying they'll let me be in the Pesta Sukan Cup team... =D ... so i wont get many chances to play.. but its a start... and theres a friendly match against Republic Poly tomorrow (more like later today at 6.30pm) ... coool stuff... finally making my move to the top flight in floorball weeeee....

and coaching course today... haha... the lecturer is really funny... makes learning enjoyable yep..(i mean if he/she were monotonous and talking about all em' different muscles and cartilages and problems with people id definitely fall asleep..)
but none the less interesting stuff im learning about... its pretty freaky how they put it.. it seems like u'd be lucky (well u should consider urself that way either way...) to not have anything wrong with you... like not flat-footed or high-arched.. and all the many other different things that gives us the ability to be competitive in our respective sports and stuff that we take for granted... i think the only problem with the course is the fact that its so far away!!!! its at Buona Vista... so far!!!! ill definitely only reach home every monday, wednesday and friday after midnight... =\ ... crazy stuff... but i dont have to worry too much about mugging over it coz the best part of it.. the test is a open book test! :D haha... and all this while i thought i'd fail the test cause of all the things ive to learn... (another comforting fact is that no one's ever failed the test...) -watifimthefirst?- O.O id go down in the course's history as the first failure that attended all the lessons and paid attention but froze during the test... -overthinking-

its gonna be busy busy busy.. and im not going to visit my sister in australia anymores cause its gonna get way to busy to take that sorta break now.... mmhmmm...

so many things too look forward too.. class bbq at nigel's place after the friendly game later today... super far away!! woodlands mrt to kembangan mrt!! and im staying over O.O my bag's gonna be ubber heavy... so if u see some guy with hair thats too short for his liking with a oversized bag on the mrt passing through town... thats me ... haha.. i hate my hair cut... but on the bright side..... erm... it'll grow back? haha... shouldnt have let my mum talk me into going for a hair cut =/ zzZzz...
and found my evanescence Fallen album hiding behind my bed :D and all this while i thought i lent it to someone and forgot who it was...

hmm im trying to think of other happy thoughts ... but cant think of any more haha...
oh yes! tw! when r we gonna do our next recording!!!
and theres french this thursday which is always fun stuff... (though the oral test is one of the things i never want to remember... i froze like : ... and completely forgot the passe compose thingy can... and needed my french tution teacher to point my mistakes out on the main paper also... (haha... even help me blanko away all my messiness... really really merci beaucoup...) im gonna study hard hard hard so that i wont make a fool of myself again... (iTunes decided now's a good time to play Aerosmith's "Dream On" hahahhaa... im serious! dx! u r a bad influence on my laptop.. haha..) i can almost here you say ur fav taglines... "Let's Face The Facts Here.." or "Why Thank You" .... u cow... haha

yep im getting long-winded again.. haha ...
(good stuff doesnt happen everyday... so bear with me and let me dance in the sunlight for awhile)

"if only i knew the right words to say.."