Sunday, December 09, 2007

red swollen finger tips

today's been pretty eventful..
i nearly killed 2 things today while driving.. both not my fault

1st, was this really cute to die for (but stupid) black dachlund puppy dog.. u know the sausage dog? yeah.. it decided,
"hey why not i just cross the road without looking, while it's raining heavily, and me being black and blending in the road don't matter cause i'm sure if a car came by it'll see me"
well thank god i saw it.. to think i was only able to see it's head above the bonnet, and then i jammed the breaks... I DON'T WANNA KILL ANYTHING TODAY HELLO!
lucky i didn't feel the car go over anything like a bump, and when i moved off and looked back through the rear view mirrors i didn't see nothing on the road.. JEEEEEEEEEEEZ!

2nd, was this ridiculous black-skinned guy on his mountain bike.. who just decided to cut across traffic when i was on the way to kallang to play floorball with me old mates... i was hitting 60km/h approaching a turn and if i hadn't slowed down a little for the turn, i'd have run this mofo over.. AND HE STILL HAD THE NERVE TO SMILE AT HOW COOL WHAT HE JUST DID WAS... a couple of seconds, a little bit of fatigue on my side would have seen him smiling flat on his back on the sidewalk.. freaking clown! CAN'T YOU WAIT THAT LITTLE WHILE FOR THE GREENMAN?! HUH?! DO YOU WANT YOU ON MY CONSCIENCE?!

yes i'm done with the yakking ^^...
so floorball was great.. i'm so so so out of shape.. really need to start running somemore.. lol.. but it was fun *nod nod*.. and the KFC at kallang is the best because their drinks are freeflow.. freakin awesome! mountain dew all the way!

and i spent more than 4 hours today with my african baby.. the fingers on my left hand are like the title suggest, red and swollen.. and they kinda hurt even now as i'm typing.. >.<

it's hard when like your best mates ask you out.. and you really can't because of amount of work piling up and threatening to topple over on your plate.. but i'm glad they understand :D.. thanks ifan and jared and all for understanding.. mmhmm.. we'll prolly go catch a movie or something soon...

so.. here's the mini update of the things i wanna get or do list

1. Acoustic Guitar (check! :D)
2. 2gb ram for my lappy (check!)
3. driver's license (check! :D)
5. Contact Lenses (check! :D)
6. a new phone (check! :D)

2. Ice Hockey equipment and picking up ice hockey :(
3. Continuing French at Alliance Francaise and all the other languages i'm interested in :(
4. My very own car :(
5. a Pool jersey :(
6. some hot new clothes :( (QAMMIE! WE NEED TO GO SHOPPING DANG IT!)
7. an electric guitar and amp? (WAHAHHAHAHHA just can't get enough of guitars can i?)
8. a little special something after the 13th of december (hurr hurrr *sneaky*)

think that's about it at the mo'... dun remember anything else.. anyways.. really tired.. off to the lovely soft and warm sheets then :P
nighty night!