Friday, September 14, 2007


like bloody Hell Ngee Ann always unreliable.. say 9am onwards.. 8.15 send me the sms
i BOUNCED OUT OF BED LIKE U WOULDN't KNow u gotta see to believe hhahahahaha
and and and the sms read that! SO HAPPY! *DANCE DANCE, Shake booty*

okay if i look at it from a really critical point of view... i'm disappointed :(
cause i was aiming for 3.8 at least to pull my average GPA up to 3.5 and above *nod nod*

so right now my overall GPA is somewhere around 3.3 agar agar... HEEYER! look at it like that depressing right? hahahahahha

next sem must work harder than ever.. alot of modules.. i think for the sake of it i'm taking french as one of my IS mods *nod* just to make sure i dun have to study too much ahahha cause it's only Basic french hehe ^^ i trust l'alliance francaise taught me well ahhaa

omg super hyper now.. and dunno why my left elbow hurts like mad.. like i pull something damn irritating.. or maybe i slept on it.. U KNOW I ONLY SLEPT FOR 3 hours??! maybe less?! i slept at around 5am aagain CAN'T SLEEP
freaking too much on my mind >.<

okay let's name the modules next sem just cause i'm hyper hehe

so the 2 IS modules that need to be chosen by moi

-(Something else that i haven't decided)
-Scriptwriting (alot of writing >.<)
-Production Planning (MORE WRITING... PAPERWORK MY GOD)
-Computer Graphics (hurr i'm no good at photoshop)
-Drama Production (ooooooo)
-Non-Fiction Production (kinda like documentary production *nod nod*)

2 PRODUCTION MODULES LEH?! CAN DIEEEEEE!!!!!! expect my coursemates and I to have completely no time.. and sleeping later than ever
i think i'll look like i'm 30 by the time the next sem ends seriouslyyy.. ppl keep thinking i'm damn old.. all the new white hairs coming is almost like already booked a plane ticket most likely coming
i dunno why but ppl say i'm 21 and up.. like so sad :( when i become 21 i'll look 25.. then 25 look 30
aging five years in advance -.- *hate*

(i dunno wat i'm talking about anymore i'm so tired.. )
hurr think i'll go sleep than like ask around for other grades later hehe

*Music plays*
"Bonjour! Ca Va?"
'Oui oui! Tres Bien! :D Et Toi?'
"Moi aussi! Tres Bien!"
*sings together*
"C'est t'une belle jour! sfeee! sfeeeeeeee!"