Friday, August 04, 2006

this picture...

i see a singing heart...
happiness makes it sing..
the more the heart sings,
the more the burning red river flows...
but one moment is all thats needed for the river to dry up..
one bad dream is all thats needed to mess things up..
one pharse is all thats needed to jam it shut...

"I Dream A Dream..."

the break is near... im beginning to relax my mind more.. which isnt too good cause i spend more time thinking... got called up for referee duty again... refing with one of singapore's best referees on saturday 4pm and 6pm game... pretty cool
and then back to being myself on court on sunday at 4pm..

time flies when u r having fun.... and before u know it... *blinks* all the fun is gone and the cold hard facts are staring u straight in the face... fact simply just doesn't appeal to me right now.. i want to dreammmmmmm....

"one orange coloured day...."