Thursday, February 21, 2008

the first would kill you already..

k so i thought up a short film last night.. i don't know it's kind of abstractish at least that's what i'm going for (or trying to hehe).. so basically yesterday i saw something on the streets that made me think of this..
La Rouge? ou Moi?

quicksand.. curious thing...
further around avoid it?
no it goes to far around..
what's so important on the other side?
what's so different on both sides?
don't know..
La Rouge is what drives him..
and that fuels him into literally taking the first step into a downward spiral..
into quicksand..
tossing away a promise, a bond, the other half thinking there is no consequence,
before stepping forward, feeling brave.. feeling new and free.. but why won't his feet lift anymore?
how bad do you want to get to the other side..
you think La Rouge will come and get you?
La Rouge just stands there..
"save me!"
No, no.. you are no different than any other to La Rouge..
A painful realization hits but does he want to see this?
this obvious and simple task of coming to terms with the truth?
that hard?
the air's nearly gone,
back where you left it, the other half seems like it's not there to save you either..
he cries..
he screams..
but to what effect?
this is your punishment..
simplicity of one decision forcing you into another?
no it was your decision, your Weakness that made you continue..
and you cower in fear as the last moments arrive.. the sun is setting..
you see others like you led adrift by La Rouge..
ah wrong.. you're wrong again you led yourself adrift..
La Rouge just stands there..
how do you save yourself?
what are you saving yourself from?
think quick as the ice comes in to freeze you in thought and your punishment forever..