Tuesday, June 06, 2006

City of Angels et mes anges

Seems that time goes by so fast everytime you are havin' fun. Too fast. So fast that in the space of 2 weeks, your life can be flipped upside down before u even notice anything.
Im happier than ive ever been ever!
I love the course ive chosen (film, sound & video)
I love my choice to learn french
I love thursdays (nothing beats thursdays... studio pro and storytelling classes the most fun! and top it off with desert(brownies with icescream) with french lessons at night)
And I love mes anges(pretty complicated thing)

I finally managed to find City of Angels (a movie) that ive been wanting to watch for about 1 and half years now. so happy i got it! though it was kinda expensive ($35!!!) also watched Over The Hedge with Tw and Jamy* (MJ couldnt come... =( ) "But i'd like a cookie!" still my favorite line in the movie.
Anyways back to city of angels... one of the most inspiring films ive ever ever ever ever watched serious! and somehow, i noticed my life seems pretty well organised by a certain special someone high up in the clouds (im a free-thinker btw) somehow after watching City of Angels, something in my head clicked like a jigsaw puzzle and its last piece being put in place and there in discovering one of mes anges ... kinda dumb of me not to realise anything for the past 6 months to be honest but hey... im only human like everyone else (or am i? =P )
im not gonna say anything about what was the picture on the jigsaw puzzle.. but i am gonna say that it comes at a time when i least expected... with my new year's day resolution and everything (It completely doesnt FIT!! im gonna go back on my plans for this year! like MERDE!)
boy oh boy... this last 2 weeks has been stressful (but its somehow fun.. at least i had half a day of break with Tw and the Smiley lady) realised someone was talking behind my back from my class and sorted it out (friends friends), smoked through 10 assignments/projects/proposals/tests or so, realised the click from City of Angels and discovering m'ange and watched Xmen, Over The Hedge and The benchwarmers. so its been a pretty interesting 2 weeks... in fact i'd be happy if the rest of my year carrys on like this.. with mes anges mes anges mes anges's presence close by (there are 2 of em btw im not saying anything =X)
Yeppa yeppa.. and somehow everywhere i go, i hear Nine Day's Absolutely... (this is the story of a girl and yada yada yada) coincidence!? I THINK NOT!
im in the middle of something sinister here and ive no idea whats happening.. i keep trying to go back to the start and try to analyse to see how i managed to get myself into such a knot (hmm i think i've got a dual personality not like miss smiley's 3 which makes her such a attention to details everywhere but right in front of her person... thats why u keep falling and banging into stuff haha =P, but still a dual personality is bad enough i wont even imagine having three)
so about the 2 of em and how they got me in my little knot of confusion. the first one who i affectionately call the "realistic maosi" (RM) and the 2nd, the "hopeful maosi"(HM). i might soon develop a middle man and go as nuts and stressed out as smiley lady soon if cm and om dont come to a agreement soon.
rm constantly reminds me that stuff like the huge jigsaw puzzle in my head arent real and most things happen due to mere coincidence... and when i try to analyse to entire situation, he constantly reminds me that im just a dumb piece of maosi to even dream something like that is happening to me. his favourite lines are "Dream on dumbass!" or "Be serious please! you are wasting your time!"
hm is the one who gives me hope.. and somehow i like to think hm is right most of the time... he sounds like some pastor in a church or something and his favourite lines are "Have faith my son.. and you will achieve your goal/you will find out soon enough" and "Things dont happen by chance! things always happen for a reason!"
so thats what they've been telling me everytime i try to think of a possibility that the discovery of m'ange is more than just coincidence... more that just a fly-by... more than what i think it actually is and maybe just maybe.. the turning point in my life... for good...

( you dont know... you dont know... you dont know... should i ???)